One of the benefits of advancements in the medical world is the introduction of tests and scans that help you identify problems at an early stage and improve your overall quality of life as you grow old.

A bone mineral density test is one such process that your doctor would advise you to undergo, especially if you are prone to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones become very weak and break easily. This can lead to fractures and acute pain in your bones. This is where a bone mineral densitometry in Bangalore or anywhere else can help you assess the density and health of your bones.

Bone Mineral Density Test in Bangalore – The Process

A bone density test is also known as a Dexa scan in the medical world. A Dexa Scan in Bangalore, or a diagnostic center of any locality of your choice, often involves checking for small reductions in the density of your bones. As they don’t make use of radiation, bone density tests are generally considered far safer than X-rays, though the process is more or less the same in both these procedures.

A bone mineral densitometry in Bangalore doesn’t take too much time. You may be asked to change into a hospital gown, or you may continue to wear your own clothes, depending on the type of scan you have been advised to undergo. Since these are outpatient processes, you don’t have to worry about any invasive processes like injections or sedatives in this. You may only be required to push yourself against or lie on a table when X-ray beams pass through the part of your body that needs to be scanned. So, there is absolutely no chance of pain or discomfort, when you undergo a Dexa Scan in Bangalore.

Reasons you may have to undergo a bone mineral density test

Low bone density issues, if left untreated, can lead to severe complications like multiple fractures, hipbone breakage affecting your mobility, weakening of vertebrae and more. All of these can cripple your bones, and affect your movement, thereby leading to many issues as you grow old. Therefore, your doctor may advise you go to for a bone mineral density test in Bangalore in the following cases:

  • If you are a woman, because, according to studies, 1 in 3 women are prone to osteoporosis
  • Having hormonal problems like menopause, thyroid issues and more
  • Deficiency of calcium
  • If you are over 50 years old
  • Recent breakage of bone
  • Visible reduction in height due to reduction of bone mass
  • Prone to sedentary lifestyles

As you can see, your doctor checks your medical history and immediately refers you to a bone mineral density test to check for any abnormalities in the above cases. When you don’t get this issue diagnosed at an early stage, you may face problems in routine activities like walking and sitting. Loss of more and more bone mass can reduce your height considerably, and bring about a hunch in your posture.

Treating the issue

Depending on the results of your bone density test, your doctor would definitely ask you to change your lifestyle. This would involve leading a fitter lifestyle and eating a more balanced diet than before. 

Apart from these mandatory changes in your lifestyle, you would also be given medicines containing bisphosphonates, as this ingredient helps to get back lost bone mass. Women with hormonal issues and low bone density may be advised to undergo hormone therapy, depending on the severity of the condition.

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